I loaded version 1.2 on my iPod Touch 16Gb 2nd gen and it : wont record any audio wont rewind wont play If it worked and degrades the audio quality as some of the reviews report for "realism" then it wont be what I want to use.
I loaded version 1.2 on my iPod Touch 16Gb 2nd gen and it : wont record any audio wont rewind wont play If it worked and degrades the audio quality as some of the reviews report for "realism" then it wont be what I want to use.
First, to answer someone elses question, as far as i know the iTouch doesnt have a built in mic. So this app wouldnt really work for it Overall this is a great app. Brilliant use of the iPhones capabilities and the interface makes it seem like a legit cassette dock and funcionality is near flawless. Works well across classrooms Great for AP or college level classes (would highly recommend for calculus courses). Only had one problem with it. Apparently you cant record more on the end of a tape that has a recording already on it? It could use a patch but besides that, great app
I like this app a lot. I dont understand how to sync using wifi. Can someone explain the steps how to do this. Its the one thing I need a tape recorder to do. Its easier to run than my digital recorder, although maybe not as clear a sound, but I can take it to record my lessons.
After the update, no sound, what happen to the sound? If there is another update, the sound needs to be louder. The lite one - is louder then this recorder..
So version 1.3 simply does not work. No sound. On top of that I just discovered that this app has been mostly lifted from the TapeDeck app for Mac OSX made by SuperMegaUltraGroovy. Nice work Senstic, what else are you going to copy?
Really enjoy this app alot. Its PERFECT for recording song ideas on the go. For all those with iPod touches complaining that it wont record, have you considered the fact that iPod touches DONT HAVE MICROPHONES?
There are other recording programs that can be installed onto a first gen Touch and then used with an eternal mic. Is there some reason that this program cannot be made to work with a first gen Touch?
I am a police crash investigator and use this to tape interviews. Now I always have a tape recorder with me. It picks up the interviews real good and clear, transfers to another computer with no problem to save with the file. Plays loud and clear on QuickTime for transcribing. Highly recommend!
This has to be one of the best apps ever! Suggestions: 1. Ability to use both sides of tapes. 2. Ability to import songs from library. 3. Adjustable FF/REW speed.
For short-term listening-back work, this app is great. But for effective long-term archiving --- not gonna happen till its FTP interface is much improved. A lot went wrong when I tried to download. And while youre at it --- cant it use a more widely supported sound format than CAF? All these shortcomings strip this app of its usefulness - but not all - so I could give it two stars but not mote.
Just make the rewind a little slower and make it so you can play music from your library
Please at least make the FF and RW slower or make the wind speed adjustable. As it is now, theyre way too fast and totally unusable for any recording under 30 seconds. This is the main thing that doesnt feel like an authentic tape recorder. Everything else is really well-done.
It only has a max recording time of 3:07! Plus, it sometimes deletes my tapes After recording!! Message to Dev Crew: Please update to fix these issues.
No iPhone 5 support No cloud support No background recording support
Every time I record than I stop the tape and rewind it, the tape goes back to a BLANK TAPE!! Im very disappointed and want my money back
Doesnt partially rewind or ff Wouldnt use it even if free
I honestly really like this app! I do! But I would like to see some changes and improvements made. For one thing, you cant File Share with iTunes and save your recordings to your laptop except over a WiFi connection. For the people that want to save their recordings to their laptop without using WiFi, you could make it capable to File Share your recordings with iTunes. Also, the save formats. Right now, the save format is .caf. I would like to see them being able to be saved in .wav, .aiff, and so forth. I could also suggest where the time shows near the bottom, you could make that a pretty red to give it the feel of a real tape recorder. I also would strongly suggest the customization of the tapes. I would suggest removing the side lettering in the right side of the tape. On a recording where the A is, I thought maybe you could make it so you can tap the A and select a color off a drop down chart of a rainbow of colors to select the color of the tape. Maybe even change the font for the tape notes to standard Times New Roman. And yes, I will have to agree with someone else, adding a rewind speed in either direction. This would help getting to a certain point in the tape if you want to record insert. Other than that, nice sound recorder! Will be looking for updates with my suggestions!
Where is the operators manual?